Difficulties associated with UV and IR optics

Difficulties associated with UV and IR optics

Difficulties associated with UV and IR optics Introduction Design and fabrication using UV and IR optics requires consideration of optical materials, surface finish, mechanical and optical fabrication techniques, housing and mounting methods, alignment and test, and cost. These same considerations are addressed when designing and fabricating visible optics, but the magnitude of the problems differ […]

Selecting materials for long wave IR applications.

Choosing Optical Materials for Long Wave Infrared (8-12μm) Applications

Choosing Optical Materials for Long Wave Infrared (8-12μm) Applications Introduction Imaging in the long-wave infrared (LWIR) spectral region, also referred to as the thermal infrared, has many useful applications in the military, security, construction, and scientific fields.  Long-wave infrared imaging systems cover the 8-12 μm wavelength band, which is dominated by thermal emission from target […]